First and foremost, I am committed to a long and healthy lifestyle.
A lifestyle which will enable me to reap the many benefits of a quality and productive life. I carry this strong belief into my studio where our mission is to help, educate and inspire our clients to achieve their personal health and fitness goals.
You see, we have traveled that road. We know how hard it is. We have firsthand experience. That’s where our knowledge comes in. We practice what we preach so that together we can do it! We believe that sensible and intelligent training is the way to go. The old saying, “No Pain, No Gain” really ends with “No Brain.”
Here at Mr. America’s Personal Training, we believe the person who trains the smartest and with discipline combined with a little dose of fun is the one who achieves their fitness goals.
Always remember: If You Believe It, You Can Achieve It!!

“Butch Is A Must-Have”
Butch is gifted with the unique talent of playing with your emotions in a way that serves you and your fitness goals. After a session with Butch, you’re tired and energized, drained and revitalized, sore and want more! Your self-confidence sky rockets when you start to see the results of your hard work at the hands and mind of Butch, your coach who never quits on you. Butch is a must-have if you’re serious about your health and fitness. Remember, you only get one body! Treat it exceptionally well!
- Maria E.
Personalized Training Programs
We practice what we preach, so that together we can do it!
I believe that sensible and intelligent training is the way to go. The old saying “no pain, no gain” really ends with “no brain.”
Fitness Evaluations
Here we believe the person who trains the smartest and with discipline and mixed with a healthy dose of fun is the one who achieves their goal of fitness. Always remember if you believe it, you can achieve it.
Nutritional Advice
Are You Ready To COMPLETELY Change Your Life?
Schedule Your FREE Body Diagnostic & 2 Workouts!

I want you to look better, feel better, and live better. That’s why I’m offering you my unconditional 30-day GUARANTEE! Try my program for 30 days and if you aren’t completely satisfied, I’ll refund your money!
Call us today at 718-824-7447
Two Convenient Locations
3229 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY 10461
168 Saw Mill River, Hawthorne, NY 10532